Goodbye Program8/28/21
In this project we used buttons that say Goodbye in 6 different languages. |
Help Page9/3/21
In this project we made a help page for a made up company. |
Mailing Label9/7/21
In this project it outputs a mailing label in the correct order using information input by the user. |
Car Rental9/16/21
In this project we made a page that takes customer info and calculates prices for rental cars. |
Test Scores9/29/21
In this project we made a program that calculates your test score. |
Dice Program10/1/21
In this project we made a program that simulates rolling dice and calculating its sum. |
Craps Game10/8/21
In this project we made a program that uses dice to play craps. |
Slot Machine10/14/21
In this project we made a program that simulates a slot machine. |
Coffee Shop11/1/21
In this project we calculated the cost of purchasing multiple drinks. |
Shirt Sale10/28/21
In this project we made a program that takes orders for shirts. |
Rock Paper Scissors11/1/21
In this project we made a program that lets two people play rock paper scissors. |
In this project we made a submarine that randomly moves up or down 1 space per click. |
In this project we made a shark and submarine that randomly moves up, down, left, or right in a 2d array. |
In this project we made the game, tic-tac-toe, which is a 2 player game. |
Basic AI Game1/21/22
In this project we made a game where the user controls a tank to fight against an AI. |
In this project we made a program where the user inputs a number and it displays the sequence, factorials, etc. |
In this project we made a program where the stars move on a timer towards the outer edge of the screen. |
Fish Project2/18/22
In this project we use an array to move 20 fish randomly on a timer. They turn into dead fish when touching the shark or ship. |
Number Array2/25/22
In this project we use a number array to generate random numbers 1-5000. |
AI Upgrade3/9/22
In this project we use an array to create 20 AIs that chase the tank. |
Bee Hive3/18/22
In this project, bees are spawned randomly on the form, go to the flower, then to the hive. > |
Final Project5/26/22
In this Final project, I made a game where the player steals coins from Shrek. |